Frequently Asked Questions
Can I order without using the online order form?
Yes, we will accept orders via e-mail or over the phone. Your payment can be made by invoice / check or by credit card transaction over the phone.
How long does it take you to ship orders out?
Many of the items that we sell are in stock ready for shipment. Most all of our stainless items are polished right before shipment to give our customers the best finish possible. So, some orders take up to a week to process. If you have concerns about the time to process and ship your order, please contact us so we can discuss your needs.
Will you ship to countries outside the United States?
Yes, we have customers all over the world. Where not prohibited by law, we will ship to most any country. Shipping and handling charges will apply. Pricing on our website applies to domestic shipments only. Please contact us with your foreign shipping requirements.
Do you build custom parts or modify existing parts for special applications?
Yes, we have a full machine shop that we can custom build parts for special applications. We would be glad to discuss your needs.